Responsible Energy


Our definition of "energy" includes electricity and fuel across the materials processing, manufacturing, transportation, and customer care sectors. Therefore, we believe that we are responsible for the impact of our products even after they have been shipped to your home. Nearly 3/4 of our carbon footprint comes from these categories. As a business, energy plays a critical role in everything we do.It is therefore essential that we eliminate fossil fuels not only from our materials, but also from our energy supply. All of these strategies contribute to reducing our environmental footprint, whether they are developing cleaner manufacturing processes in conjunction with suppliers, investing in low-carbon shipping, educating customers about responsible product care, or sourcing renewable energy for our office and retail spaces.


What We’re Doing

Compared to bigger companies, we use relatively little energy at our business, and that energy is distributed around the world since we are still relatively small. The market for renewable energy is therefore difficult for us. The renewable energy on site at our factories is procured collaboratively with the factories, and we don't own any of them. Besides shipping by ocean, we are also working to minimize carbon footprints. Last but not least, there is customer use. 


Everything we make should be accountable for its full life cycle impact. 

Right now, that looks like providing suggested care instructions with a lower impact, manufacturing in regions with cleaner grids, and working with suppliers on energy efficiency measures.

Truly realizing a responsible energy future will require change on a global scale through policy changes, so we plan to advocate for progress on this level, too.